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Hello, I'm Kay Schultz—a recovering perfectionist who finds solace in creating art that captures the beauty of imperfections in nature, people, and life. I work with imagery from everyday experiences that may not seem interesting or beautiful in the moment, but once captured by the hand have a beautiful story to tell. I am a multi-discipline artist, pairing imagery with a medium that will best capture its energy and emotion in order to create that special moment for the viewer. 

"It's about being somewhere at the exact right moment and deciding it's a moment when no one else might think it's anything."

The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer

I attended college at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, majoring in Broad Area Art. In 2015, I received my Master of Arts in Teaching and jumped right into the classroom. It was amazing to watch my students' skills and creativity grow. After teaching for five years, I took another leap and committed to my own artwork full time. I have received great support from family, friends, and the community—staying busy with commissions and personal projects.

Please explore my portfolio to get a better feel for my work. And of course, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to be the next owner of a custom Kay Schultz original!

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